Sunday, February 25, 2018

Cheese Burger in Paradise

Ah. The sweet smell of fried pickles, Twinkies, Oreo's, corn, burgers, and basically anything you can fit into a deep fryer. The feeling of stickiness everywhere you go. The slight bit of haze in the air from all the smoking grills (and people). The sounds of motorcycle engines, Jimmy Buffet, and endless chatter fill the air. That my friends is the Cheese Burger Festival - also known as Cheese Burger in Paradise - in Caseville, Michigan. Every year my family drives 2 hours to stuff our faces with an endless amount of greasy burgers. Despite my previous explanation, I actually look forward to going to the festival every year. I even own a cheese burger hat! 
If you are interested in joining in on the fun, here are some tips you should know before venturing into cheese burger paradise. 

1) Make sure to wear elastic pants. Pants, such as jeans, will cut off your circulation as your stomach gradually gets larger from all the burgers. 

2) Wear sunscreen! You're going to be having such a blast scarfing down carbs, you won't even notice the horrendous farmers tan you've acquired. Also as your T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) gets more oily from all the fried food, it starts to act like tanning oil. Except instead of getting a nice golden glow, you go home looking like a tomato.

3) Bring money for souvenirs. You don't want your only memory of the Cheese Burger Festival experience to be you with a horrible stomach ache, do you? To make sure this doesn't happen, invest in a cheese burger hat or an overpriced t-shirt that is very poorly made. 

Now that you know all the tips and tricks, you are ready to make the most of your trip to Cheese Burger in Paradise! Have fun, and remember calories don't count if you don't count them! 

1 comment:

  1. I really like your piece! You adopted Wallace's style well, and really gave a good description of the festival; your imagery conveyed a feel for the festival. From the intro I actually though you were describing Troy Daze at first haha.
