Sunday, March 18, 2018

When You're an Addams...

If you've never seen The Addams Family, then you really should (shameless self promo.... buy your tickets at the Troy Theater Ensemble website before they sell out!). This fabulous show is chalked full of clever symbolism and hilarious figures of speech.  First things first, Morticia, The Addams Family's leading lady, sings a song called "Death is Just Around the Corner".  While singing, she is over joyed by the thought of death, which ultimately makes her feel better about the circumstances of her marriage. In the title of the song the word 'corner' has a double meaning. It means what you would think, that death is in the near future, but it's also a play on words because a 'coroner' is someone who examines dead bodies. Also Morticia derives from mortician, a funeral director. In the midst of all the dark humor, there is also a smattering of slap stick comedy. Pugsly, Morticia's son, pretends to be a cub scout to impress the family of his sisters boyfriend, in doing so he whispers to the family "put some money in the can, and no one gets hurt!" His veiled threat always gets a hardy laugh from the audience. There are also some pretty hilarious innuendos that I always giggle at back stage. Unfortunately I don't think Ms. Valentino would appreciate me explaining those on this blog, so I guess you'll just have to come see the show and find out!
Promo Video!!


  1. Simone, my girl!! I love this post! I am so happy I got see the show yesterday and soak up the creepiness that is the Addams Family. I loved how you related the musical to what we read in Pinker’s essay this week! I couldn’t help but laugh at the innuendos in the musical! Great work in this blog post & the musical :)

  2. Can't wait to see it!! I love your analysis of the rhetorical language in the show.
