Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dear Christmas,

Dear Christmas,

Hey old pal, how you holding up? I know this time of the year is really busy for you... but I really needed to talk. You seem different from past years, you don't seem like yourself. What happened to all the yuletide cheer? The love? The friendship? You've been so rapped up in trying to please everyone, you haven't taken time to relax and soak in all that's good around you! Since when has this season been all about who can give the best gifts? Or who can buy the most gifts? Or who can afford the most expensive gifts? Christmas, I miss our old times together. Remember when mom would drop me and my sisters off at the dollar store, and give each of us 10 dollars to spend. We would run around the store for hours trying to find little gifts with significant meanings. Oh my goodness, remember when I picked out that miniature plastic golf set for dad? I knew he'd probably never use it, but I did know he would smile when he opened it. And he did. Seeing him smile, made me so so happy. Christmas, it's the little things that make this season so special. Like the hot coco, and the candy canes, mittens, and the mistletoe. Most importantly, it's about the family. It's our time to enjoy each others company by the fire, and snuggle while watching Elf for the 100th time. It's our time to reflect on this past year and acknowledge all the good, and the bad.
I haven't seen the old Christmas in a while, and I miss you. Please come back soon...

Best wishes,



  1. This letter is really good! The personification of Christmas is very well done and the details really add to the overall message. Also I agree with you; it seems as if we cherish Christmas so much more when we are younger. I feel like as we grow older we start to forget what it really means.

  2. So nostalgic Olivia! I like that you sent a letter to an abstract idea such as a holiday. It's very creative and it shows that you're not afraid to experiment with these blogs! Good job!
