Sunday, November 26, 2017

Movie Magic

Someone bring out the tissues because chapter 13 of Song of Solomon is a real tear jerker!! In this chapter we see a new side of Guitar. The once cold hearted killer softens up to give Hagar some valuable life advice.

"You think because he doesn't love you that you are worthless. You think that because he doesn't want you anymore that he is right - that his judgement and opinion of you are correct" (Morrison 305-306).

Oh. My. Goodness. If you aren't crying right now you have not seen enough romance movies. Also I highly, highly recommend reading pages 305 to 307 over again to really soak up the sadness and passion of Guitar's words to Hagar.
If you couldn't tell, I am a sucker for a sappy romance story, whether it be a book, a movie, it doesn't matter. I will be crying. So when I was reading this passage from Song of Solomon I pretended like I was watching it on a big screen in my head. I envisioned Hagar sitting helplessly on the bottom of the steps with her eyes empty, staring into nothingness. Then Guitar catches sight of her and a "deep wave of sorrow" (Morrison 305) engulfs him. The heartache and the sympathy practically radiate off the pages and create this beautiful, yet melancholy scene.
If someone reading this blog is a film maker (or wants to be one in the future) please, please make Song of Solomon into a movie just so I can see this scene in theaters! There is something about movies that brings a feeling of real life to a fictional story. The saying "movie magic" is, to me at least, certainly true. It is one thing to play a scene out in your head, but it is a completely new experience when you see it unfold with real actors and props and lighting and music! 

For those of you that aren't romance movie enthusiasts, here are some scenes from some of my personal favorites...
The Notebook  

10 Things I Hate About You   (This whole movie makes me cry)

17 Again

Love, Rosie  (Was also crying this whole movie)

There are many, many more but here are a few just to get your feet wet, enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Olivia! I love how your posts always exhibit your personality to the readers beyone just the words. I praying alongside you that a filmaker sess this!
